Noblesville Girls Softball News 🥎 📣 - 2023 - November

📣 Leadership Awards & Changes, 🚧 Fields Update, 🤶 Parade Info

Hello Noblesville Girls Softball Families!

Fall Ball Is Over, and Spring planning has started! Plus, we’ve got a few updates for you.

🏆 Leadership Spotlight

Our treasurer (and coach, and concessions runner, and master scheduler, and umpire coordinator, etc.), Brandie Laudig, recently received an award for her hard work and dedication to our program.

Brandie is a true inspiration and role model for our young ladies to aspire toward. Check out the award presentation here:

Congratulations Brandie! Well deserved!

🚧 Field Update

We’ve been working to make sure the fields at the 4 elementary schools will be ready by spring! We’re still working on getting the playing surface ready and getting the dugouts moved over.

As a reminder, we’ve partnered with Noblesville schools to help with our interim softball field. We’re developing fields at North, Hinkle Creek, Stony Creek, and Promise Road elementaries. We’ll practice at those fields and then also play some games at East and West middle school fields.

Thanks again to our partners at Noblesville Schools and Beaver Materials for all the help and support!

🍂 Travel Ball Updates

Our travel program is in its 2nd year, and found some success this fall!

New to the program, head coach Shawn Hall, and the Millers 14U team opened October by winning the USSSA Oktoberfest in Seymour, IN.

Millers 14U winning Oktoberfest in Seymour, IN

Also, our Millers 12U Johnson team won the USSSA Pumpkin Bash in Fishers, IN to close out the month. 💍🎃

Congratulations Millers!

Coach Shawn (14U) and Coach Katie (12U) are still looking for a couple additional players. If you or someone you know is interested, get in touch!

Email Shawn Hall - [email protected] (especially pitchers!)

Email Katie Johnson - [email protected] (especially catchers!)

🆕 New Board

We’re happy to introduce our new board for 2023-2024!

President: Jon Fuller
Vice - President: Pat Lane
Secretary: Lauren Gross
Treasurer: Brandie Laudig
Comptroller: Jeramy Romine

Travel Commissioner: Justin Murphy
Public Relations: Sandi Fuller
Awards: Brandy Chritz
Uniforms: Brandy Chritz
Equipment Director: Pat Parker
At-Large: Ryan Conley

NGSA has board elections each year in October. Our executive positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) are 3 year terms. All other positions are 1 year terms.

We are still looking for age-group commissioners (6U, 8U, 12U, 14U+) for our spring season. The commitment is less than that of a coach, and can have an outsize impact on all aspects of the program. Let Jon know you’re interested or have questions. Email Jon at [email protected].

🤶 Noblesville “Holiday in Lights” Parade

Noblesville Softball will have an entry in Noblesville’s inaugural “Holiday in Lights” parade on December 2.

Any girl who has played on a Noblesville Girls Softball team in the past is welcome to join! Due to limitations, we’ll have to limit our entry to the first 50 girls that sign up. We’ll plan to have a “float” or wagon. Each participant is asked to bring their own candy to toss out in the parade.

Sign up here: Signup Genius